An Unique opportunity to experience and enjoy BeyondTea

Select one of the great options we have for you!

Single Package

With this package you will have the opportunity to prepare up to 15 cups of BeyondTea. (*)


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Pack of 4

This amazing 4-pack will be allows you to enjoy BenyondTea up to one (1) Month. (*)


Value Pack

With our 12-Pack you will be worry-free for at least 3 months of a great taste of BeyondTea. (*)





La textura, el sabor, el olor, todo me encanta. Ahora mi hora del té es la más esperada. Thanks again

Katherine Brito

Miami, FL

"Works like Magic for me"

Just a cup of tea, and hours later, It helps me with my immflamation, so I was able to sit comfortably, I swear it felt like magic.

I recommend it 100%

Katherine Brito

Miami, FL

"An Unique experience, Love it"

I love BeyondTea, it is special and safe for pregnant women, it is a pleasure to smell the arom this Tea helps me reducing my nausea. Love it!

Angela Sayago


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We are changing the concept of the beauty: blooming from the inside out, taking what nature gives to us.

Beyond Tea



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(*) Please check our FAQs section for more information about the recommended portions to prepare BeyondTea.

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